Award of Merit - The most prestigious award presented to an IAWP member, recognizing outstanding service or achievement beyond normal expectations or job requirements. Accomplishments may have been in either promoting workforce development programs/initiatives or in advancing IAWP objectives. All or the major part of the activity/performance to be considered must have occurred during the calendar year preceding the year in which the award is granted. Judged: Oregon Chapter.
Contributions can take many forms and may include a significant role in the implementation and effective delivery of a highly innovative idea or system. This could include, but is not limited to, implementation of a new system or process, developing an innovative program, creating a new way of delivering services, developing new technology or a new way to use technology, creating new partnerships, developing and/or implementing new policy, or going far above and beyond the regular duties of the job.
Current IAWP members only. Must have an active, paid or lifetime membership, during the contest and award year.
If this is a project or activity that is taking place over multiple years, the majority of the work or demonstrated results must have taken place during the contest year.
Contributions can take many forms and may include a significant role in the implementation and effective delivery of a highly innovative idea or system. This could include, but is not limited to, implementation of a new system or process, developing an innovative program, creating a new way of delivering services, developing new technology or a new way to use technology, creating new partnerships, developing and/or implementing new policy, or going far above and beyond the regular duties of the job.
Current IAWP members only. Must have an active, paid or lifetime membership, during the contest and award year.
If this is a project or activity that is taking place over multiple years, the majority of the work or demonstrated results must have taken place during the contest year.
- Use the On-line form to nominate someone for this award. A (one) summary paragraph (500 words or less) that adequately describes the innovation and its outcomes and benefits with sufficient detail that anyone reading it will understand the innovation
- Nomination: Provide a narrative that describes the innovative accomplishment. Where applicable, include references to the criteria.
- Endorsement Letters: Attach up to two (2) letters of endorsement (optional and not to exceed 4 pages) from someone in a leadership position who can attest to the value of the innovation. Endorsement letters are not required.
- Documentation: Provide documents that support or illustrate the information contained in the narrative.
In selecting the Award of Merit Recipient, the following criteria will be considered by the Selection Team.
- Out-of-the-box-thinking: Does this innovation represent out-of-the-box or cutting edge thinking?
- Leadership: Did this accomplishment demonstrate innovative leadership? Did this nominee’s leadership set the stage for further innovative work?
- Enthusiasm: Has this innovation led to a new product, process or idea? Can it be integrated widely? Does it have the potential to generate revenue or initiate other ideas or exemplary work?
- Impact: Will the innovation bring fundamental change and/or move the organization or the world of workforce development forward? Does it identify new ways to improve the quality of services or programming? Does it identify new approaches for completing work more efficiently and/or effectively? Is the work practical and sustainable?
- Replicability: Can the innovation be replicated within other areas of workforce development or at other organizations? Would it be valuable to do so? Does the innovation plan for successful implementation? Does it demonstrate long-term success?
INDIVIDUAL- David Duncan 2013 INDIVIDUAL- Grant Axtell GROUP- Andrea Burcham, Charlene Grafton, Chuck Hanger, and Tammy Schroeder 2012 INDIVIDUAL- Lisa Ruiz GROUP- Jackson County OEC 2011 INDIVIDUAL- Barbee Williams GROUP- Charlene Grafton Tina Green Tammy Schroeder 2010 Dennis Brophy Charlene Grafton Gina Green Tamara Schroeder Sandy Watkins |
Graham Slater Charlene Grafton, Sandra Watkins, Tamara Schroeder, & Shawn Blair 2008 Charlene Grafton, Sandra Watkins, & Tamara Schreoder 2007 no award presented 2006 Amador Aquirre WorkSource Oregon-Medford Office 2005 Theresa Arndt Charlene Grafton, Sandra Watkins, & Tamara Schroeder 2004 no award presented 2003 Craig Keyston Bobbie Clark, Joni Mansveld, & Jayne Martin 2002 John Concepcion Employment Services Program Section (B&ES) 2001 Virlena Crosley 2000 Dennis Brophy Portland-Metro Area Employment Services Supervisors |
No award presented 1998 Susan Oertel Brenda McDowell Kelly, Jayne Martin, & Tim Ifeobu 1997 Zel Flanagan 1996 Kari Smith 1995 John Reyes 1994 Kari Smith Portland ’93 Fundraising Committee 1993 Mike Sowles 1992 Johnny Cordero 1991 Diane Ivers 1990 Donna Hunter Libby Leonard & Ron Nairn |
Brenda McDowell Kelly 1988 Nick Guarriello PLUS Committee 1987 Dennis Ashley 1986 Local Arrangements & Program Committee 1986 Libby Leonard Professional Placement Unit, Pdx 1985 no award presented 1984 Raymond P. Thorne 1983 Catherine Ramsey 1982 Lee Jones 1981 Sue Christiance Trade WIN, Portland 1980 Judy Clinebell |
Camille Brockman 1978 Byrt Swinehart Eugene WIN Team 1977 Eric Bergman 1976 Mike Sutherland SEARCH Program 1975 Barbara Gasuen 1974 Quentin Rowland 1973 Jean Hamar 1972 Eric Bergman 1971 Eleanore Smith 1970 Norm Blair 1969 C. Duff Young 1968 Loren Mussler 1967 Walt Haskins Professional Placement Office, PDX 1966 Stan Scully 1965 Al Elkins 1960 Ida M. Humphreys 1959 Charles High 1958 no award presented 1957 Helen Daskalos 1953 Lela Park |