International Development Award2010
Stephanie Stevens 2009 Judy Mattos Stephanie Stevens 2008 Judy Mattos Stephanie Stevens 2007 no award presented 2006 no award presented 2005 Stephanie Stevens 2004 Dennis Brophy 2003 Dennis Brophy 2002 Dennis Brophy 2001 Dennis Brophy L. Dale Ross Community Service Award
Irene Carrillo 2011 WorkSource Lane 2010 Greenhill Fundraising Team 2009 Jan Swander 2008 Debbi Stricklan 2007 Priscilla Rice 2006 Patty Tipton 2005 Barbee Williams 2004 Karey White 2003 no award presented 2002 Milo Salgado 2001 Denise Jossy 2000 Dale Kenyon 1999 JanMarie Dielschneider 1998 Shirley Hall 1997 no award presented 1996 Gary McElroy 1995 Johnny Cordero 1994 Helen Pittman 1993 Lynda Ross 1992 Charley Potter 1991 Wayne Willcock 1990 David Little 1989 Michael Wilson 1988 Bonnie Voigt 1987 Dick Paup 1986 Don Warren 1985 Jo Anne Maddy 1984 Ed Yarnell 1983 L. Lou Woods 1982 no award presented 1981 Wiley Wood 1980 Fred Tolleson 1979 Robert Teater Unemployment Insurance Award 2012
INDIVIDUAL-Lisa Gurnsey GROUP-UI Central Office: Joel McPheeters, Daryl Mitchell, Janet Orton, Frank Jellison, State Adams, Bruce Fletcher, David Genz, Jeff Witbeck, Slavic Gidenko, Scott Zentz, Marc Heatherington 2011 No award presented 2010 Dave Jones UI Programs and Methods 2009 Lisa Hickman OED UI Division 2008 Josh Lehto Combined Business Registry Wkgrp 2007 Barbara Higginbotham Metro, Eugene, Bend UI Centers 2006 Dave Jones Telephone IC (TIC) Team New Employee Performance Award 2012
Angela Miller-Pomlee 2011 Cynthia Durboraw 2010 Gina Green 2009 Steve Clark 2008 Vincent Jones 2007 Orlando Williams 2006 no award presented 2005 Pam Pogorelc 2004 Ofelia Rivas 2003 Ben Neeley 2002 Stacy Speer 2001 Barbee Williams 2000 Jeff Binney 1989 Roland Bynum 1988 Tom Lyndes 1987 Kathleen Morford 1986 Daley Ray 1985 Kimaree Siler 1984 Judy Harmon 1983 no award presented 1982 no award presented 1981 Carroll Daugherty 1980 Roberta Green 1979 Betty Enyart 1978 Janie Graybill 1977 Gary Heitz 1976 Gary Martin 1975 Christy Harris 1974 Herb Hill 1973 Kathy Wallace (clerical) Steve Price (professional) 1972 Dale Hunter 1971 Mildred Bartlett |
Bob David Memorial Fraud Award2001
Gary Heitz 2000 Les Helvie 1999 Sandra Barnett 1998 JoAnne Pont 1997 Linda Barnet 1996 Marva Buys 1995 Dianne Pacholl 1993 Joan Potvin 1992 Ken Childs 1991 Sue Weir 1990 Lane County D.A.'s Office 1989 Cheryl Brunton and Eugene Tax Section 1988 Richard Miller 1987 Richard Hergenrether James Mahoney Managerial Award 2012
Saundra Crawley 2011 Kristin Kahler-Jones 2010 George Berriman 2009 Deb Gargalis 2008 Julie Davidson 2007 Bruce Powers 2006 Tom Byerley 2005 Curt Amo 2004 Danell Butler Maureen Dooney 2003 Joyce Aho 2002 Bobbie Clark 2001 William “Bill” Specht 2000 Nancy Shire 1999 Rob Edwards 1998 Jim Mosley 1997 Bob Watkins 1996 Donna Hunter 1995 Ron Bassett-Smith 1994 Jayne Martin 1993 Melody Pride 1992 Mike Sowles 1991 Betty Moore 1990 Sharon Kidder 1989 Joe Hall 1988 Laverna Bauguess 1987 Jim Trower 1986 Howard Yamamoto 1985 Nick Guarriello 1984 Kathy Craft 1983 Nick Guarriello 1982 Vickie Channer Administrative Support Award
Norma Soto - Albany 2011 Catherine Hagerty 2010 Debbi Stricklan 2009 Lori Dietz 2008 Cathy Hagerty 2007 Shari Harris 2006 Jill Read 2005 Cheryl Schaefer 2004 Nina Cancino 2003 Janett Frye 2002 Barbara Verdegan 2001 Dennis Hall 2000 Louise Karen 1999 Teddie Leverman 1998 Barb Verdegan 1997 Sandy Woodward 1996 Marge Farrell 1995 Gloria Fiedler 1994 Reiko Taguchi Irma Sanchez 1993 Susan Bell Sandy Watkins Hearings Section-Clerical Support 1992 Cindy Steinkamp 1991 Ruth Mary Ruhl 1990 Sharon Baker 1989 Jeff Kilgore-Cathcart 1988 Sandy Ziebert 1987 Ardella Edwards 1986 Brenda Kelly 1985 Melody Wade 1984 no award presented 1983 Iva Hunton 1982 no award presented 1981 Valerie Copley 1980 Judy Clinebell 1979 Kay Brewer |
Frank Waller Public Relations Award 2012
Deborah Stricklan 2011 Anne Blakeslee 2010 no award presented 2009 no award presented 2008 Art Ayre Tom Fuller 2007 Tammy Schroeder 2006 Lonnie Martinez 2005 Craig Spivey 2004 Jean Work 2003 Thomas Fuller 2002 Guy Tauer 2001 no award presented 2000 Sabrina VanArtsdahlen 1999 Karen Scott Patricia Barclay 1998 Cranda Westerdahl 1997 no award presented 1996 Ron Bassett-Smith 1995 Mary Hildreth 1994 Jean Work 1993 Michelle Kennedy 1992 Diane Ivers 1991 Romona Flores Jerry Plante Johnny Cordero 1990 no award presented 1989 Dorothy Monnier 1988 Neil Puckett 1987 Sue Hankins 1986 Pam Gervais 1985 no award presented 1984 Donna Hunter 1983 Marian Hungerford 1982 Dorothy Monnier 1981 Judy Clinebell 1980 Lillian Dilling 1979 Byrt Swinehart 1978 Phil Johnson 1977 Chris Perez 1976 Lucy Kurtzo 1975 Mary Jane Marshall |